A mobile chicken house – a mobile team

The process of ordering the components for the mobile chicken coop and the period during which we produce it is a very intense time for us. However, the moment when the mobile chicken coop produced by us is being transported to you, our customers, is in turn the most exciting and eagerly awaited stage. This is because we want your mobile chicken coop to arrive on time, ‘safe and sound’ and that you are completely satisfied with your purchase. That’s why transport, unloading and commissioning are so important to us. 

In September, we had the pleasure of unloading two Auto-Feeder 225 mobile henhouses a tour Austrian customer. Despite unfavourable weather conditions, the unloading went smoothly and in just over two hours the poultry houses were on the meadow.

We will certainly remember this customer and this unloading for a long time, as it was the first time that we produced and delivered two poultry houses for one customer. In addition, the location of the unloading was magical – beautiful peaks of the lightly snow-covered Alps and at their foot a beautiful, wide green meadow. We did not expect our two poultry houses to look so beautiful there. Right next to the meadow is also Hofladen Gabriel, where you can buy not only eggs from happy hens, but also other local products.

Two months later, we went to unload the Eko 225 mobile poultry house to our customer in the Czech Republic. We are very pleased when an investment in a mobile chicken coop is not just the purchase of a new agricultural machine, but a kind of event in the life of the farmer and his family. This was also the case here, as not only the investor himself, but also his family and friends were present at the unloading. In addition, the great weather and the beautiful location of the farm – far from the hustle and bustle of the city among the many fields, meadows and forests – meant that we will remember this trip fondly.

The fact that we find mobile chicken coop delivery very stressful and exhausting does not change the fact that it is what we enjoy most about our work. After all, it’s not about the unloading itself, but mainly about meeting you, being able to answer your questions directly and explaining how to operate our mobile chicken coop. And the moment when the KROPPER chicken mobile is already standing in your meadow and you try to operate it yourself is the most beautiful sight for us.

In addition, the smile on your face confirms our conviction that the purchase of a mobile chicken house not only enriches your farm, but also makes it grow.